Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Do now

1. Martin Luther King Jr- great speaker.
2. Abraham Lincoln- great communicator.
3. Rosa Parks- brave.
4. Christopher Columbus- great discoverer
5. Bernie Mac- comedian

Friday, September 26, 2008

     What  personal traits does adversity test?
          It tests to see if the man has the power to lead us to greatness.                                                           What traits does having power test?                                                                                                                 By giving you challenges to see if you could accomplish them.                                                              Do you agree with Lincoln's statement?                                                                                                            Yes.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Have you laughed today? What makes you laugh? Is there any type of "humor" that does not amuse you?

           I have laughed today . What made me laugh was when me and  Nava were talking , and all of a sudden he swinged  his arm backed. Then A.B got hit on the face by accident then Mr. Franklin  saw and told them to do 25x #15, and Nava told him it was an accident but the sir didn't know. Then I started to laugh.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Quiz questions.

1. Explain the steps of the life cycle. plan, investigate, evaluate, create.
2. Explain what your gmail account should be:our first inicial and our full last name then our graduate year.
3. What should your password be? our D.O.B
4. Do you have a Techconnect log in? No. If so what is it?
5. What is the URL for your blog?gmail.com

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How is MYP Technology different from your other computer classes?

Mrs. Hinojosa
            How is MYP different from my other computer classes are the cool computers that we have.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How an I become an IB learner?

         Thinkers:They exercise initiative in applying skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned,ethical decisions.
          Risk-Take:They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, idea and strategies. They are brave articulate in defending their beliefs.

           Balanced:They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. 

            Inquirers:They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning . They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.

Monday, September 8, 2008

What I learned at IDEA Mission?

Mrs Hinojosa 

               IDEA Mission is different from other schools because this school is a college prep school. It's a college prep school because it prepares you for college unlike other regular schools. Plus if you're in college they call you to ask you how it's going in college ,if you're having problems. Also ,we have to wear uniforms everyday to represent our school colors and our school Also, they give us a lot of homework to prepare for next year.IDEA Mission teaches you spanish incase you want to apply for a job after or in between college.

Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5,2008


        Here in IDEA Mission is really fun meeting new people,also new friends,and new teachers. It's really fun because you get to go on a out-of-state field trip. We also get paychecks which we could buy ,ipods, mp3 players, and school supplies if needed.In social studies we are learning about the Native Americans culture regions ,and how they adapt or live in there region. Also, in spanish class we are learning to say the alphabet in spanish. In P.E we are learning to eat healthy and get all of our vitamins and proteins. In P.E we have an activity log that we have to sign everyday we do an outside or inside activity.

September 5,2008

               Here in IDEA Mission they're helping us more better than our old school by preparing us for college. Here in IDEA they call us in college to ask us if we need help or if we have  problem. They give us more but with homework in order to get prepared for next years work. We have phoenix dollars to buy school supplies if needed. Also, we have uniforms to represent our school and our school colors. IDEA Mission they prepare us by giving us challenging homework so when we get to next year we already know what they are trying to teach us.